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Bidden or not bidden, God is Present by Wild Goose

The Wild Goose Studio Bronze Plaque:

“Bidden or not bidden, God is Present”
“VOCATUS atque non VOCATUS deus aderit”

The saying “Bidden or not…,” means “Called or not called, God will be there.”
“Bidden or not bidden…” originated from the reply the Oracle of Delphi gave to the Spartans when
they were planning a war against Athens: "Yes, the Gods will be present,
but in what form and to what purpose?"

Renowned psychologist Carl Jung (1875-1961) had these words carved
over the front door of his Zurich home as a reminder to all who entered that:

"Awe of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom"
Psalm 111.10

Jung came across the saying when he, as a student of 19 years, was studying
a Latin collection of jottings by Renaissance scholar and humanist Erasmus.

“Vocatus atque non…” is also carved on Jung's tombstone.
You can find Bidden or not Bidden  item at

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