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Luck of the Irish “Bride” (an Irish Wedding Tradition)

The Irish people have long considered the horseshoe a symbol of good luck.  In the upright position it gathers all the good luck in the air.  To insure no luck will fall out, it must never be tipped downward. 

For centuries Irish brides have tied a horseshoe to their leg on their wedding day.  So long as it stayed upright the couple would be rewarded with nothing but good luck.  The bride dare not take it off till the end of the day, or until couple had been happily married for several hours.  If the horseshoe did tip into the downward position the Irish believed it meant nothing but bad luck.

This tradition is still upheld today, although the actual horseshoe is represented by a smaller piece of jewelry.  Miniature porcelain horseshoes are worn or the horseshoe is simply a charm on a necklace or bracelet.  But beware…..It must be facing up!

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